2009 Irish Calendar - Íomhá na Míosa : Féilire Gaeilge 2009 ón mblag Íomhá an Lae (PDF, 28pp 27MB) (27MB, 28pp) Yes, it's big, but it prints beautifully. Let me know what you think. Blogs: Íomhá an Lae (Karen's photo blog in Irish) - Why don't you write? (in English) Photos: Karen's photo blog (in Irish) - DP Challenge portfolio - Best of 2006 - signs - more At last - Karen's translated Le Passe-Muraille, Marcel Aymé's best known short story. What would you do if you found out you had a magical power? (more translations) When we're playing music - our performances page. Listen to Karen and Mike playing traditional Irish polkas [mp3, 1388K] (File too big? Try the first half minute [mp3, 293K]) Ladies' View (Karen's band) often performs at Chief O'Neill's Check out the free audio and video streams of Irish music from the Kennedy Center. Karen sez: You need to learn to fold a dollar bill into a shamrock. What's the next book in that mystery series? |