- Grace
- "My
grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
- Gratefulness
- Gratefulness
is the heart's full response to the gratuitousness of all that exists.
- Gratuitousness
- Gratuitousness
does not only means that a volunteer does not get any money for his/her
work, it also means that he/she does not expect whatsoever benefit,
favour, or reward out of it.
- Gratuitous
- 1.
Given without an equivalent or recompense; conferred without valuable
consideration; granted without pay, or without claim or merit; not required
by justice. We mistake the gratuitous blessings of Heaven for the fruits
of our own industry. --L'Estrange.
2. Not called for by the circumstances; without reason, cause, or proof;
adopted or asserted without any good ground; as, a gratuitous assumption.
Acts of gratuitous self-humiliation. --De Quincye. -- Gra*tu"i*tous*ly,
adv. -- Gra*tu"i*tous*ness, n.